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Articles Of Research Interest And Collaborative Engagements
Marnie Palomares and Rowan Marchingo in Dean's first large-scale group work, Back From Front. Performance Space, Carriageworks, 2008. Photo - Heidrun Löhr
'Beyond Eugenics' - Critical Dialogues 7.2 - Claiming Spaces 2 - Matt Shilcock writes about his practice
'Stomping in slippers to Nirvana' - Article about Australian contingent of independent dance artists touring to Scotland's international dance festival New Moves 2000
'Recollections: Sydney dance/performance' - RealTime Arts Magazine, February 2002, Keith Gallasch reviews various performances across Sydney, including Scrapboo: Live at Performance Space
'Champion & Whaites: dance theatres' - Realtime Arts Magazine, September 2001 - Erin Brannighan writes about independent dance in Sydney.
Day For Night 2014 - Festival information
Stereogamous (Jonny Seymour and Paul Mac) - Day For Night 2014 soundtrack
*RealTime is Australia's critical guide to international contemporary arts.
Links To Related Arts And Environmental Organisations And Individuals:
Sea spongues at 28 metres depth - South Solitary Island, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia. Photo - Dean Walsh
RUCKUS is a Sydney based disability led contemporary performance ensemble who, through their original, thought provoking & powerful performances smash stereotypes & challenge audience’s preconceptions of what people with disability are capable of achieving. RUCKUS reject being victims of pity but rather embrace being active agents of individual & societal change.
STALKER - Immersive Physical Theatre. Stalker Theatre is one of Australia’s leading physical theatre companies, celebrating over two decades of outstanding achievement in the production of innovative, inter-disciplinary, physical and visual theatre.
Andrew Batt-Rawden - Through his work, Andrew revisits layers of self, drawing you in and allowing you to reflect.
Welcome to Critical Path - Australia's leading centre for choreographic research and development.
STRUT Dance - working with world's best practice as an aspiration to be amongst the world's greatest.
Welcome to Dancehouse, Australia's premier centre for independent dance. We are a site for developing challenging, invigorating and socially engaged moving art.
AusdanceNSW - The key support and advocacy body for the creation, presentation and practice of dance in NSW.
Temple Grandin PhD - Dr. Grandin did not talk until she was three and a half years old. She was fortunate to get early speech therapy. Her teachers also taught her how to wait and take turns when playing board games. She was mainstreamed into a normal kindergarten at age five. Oliver Sacks wrote in the forward of Thinking in Pictures that her first book Emergence: Labeled Autistic was “unprecedented because there had never before been an inside narrative of autism.”
Performance Space - Performance Space is the crucible for risk-taking artists. Emerging over 33 years ago in response to artists’ articulated desire to explore and investigate new forms of art, Performance Space has consistently identified, nurtured and presented new directions in contemporary practice.
Murmuration is an integrated performance company based in Sydney, Australia. We work closely with a collective of multi-disciplinary artists dedicated to creating innovative contemporary theatre. The artist’s disciplines span across dance, theatre, music, scenic and costume design, digital media and film.
Matt Shilcock is a South Australian based contemporary dance theatre artist. Diagnosed at birth with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, commonly known as ‘brittle bone disorder’, he spent much of his youth in a wheelchair before learning to walk at the age of fifteen.
Georgia Cranko - A beautiful, volatile and disabled existence of humanity, art and activism.
FORM Dance Projects - Fostering Dance Culture in Western Sydney.
Living Data are responses of living things (including us) to our changing climate. This website presents ways that we respond as scientists and as artists,
and changes in understanding that happen through art and science interactions.
Manly Environment Centre, Sydney, Australia
Sydney Institute of Marine Studies Sydney, Australia
National Marine Science Research Centre, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia
Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, (CCAMLR) Hobart, Tasmania
Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, Hobart, Tasmania
Solitary Islands Underwater Research Group - Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia
Judith Fisher, ecologist, invasive species specialist, Univeristy of Western Australia and Commission for Eco-systems Management (CEM)
tranSTURM Artist Collective - also - - UTS, Sydney
Danscience Festival - a biennial festival on dance and a diverse variety of science applications and collaborations